
International Journal Of Engineering Research and General Science

ISSN 2091-2730

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CHARGES FOR PAPER (Inlcuding Digital Certificate) AND MEMBERSHIP

There is minimum charge for the Publication, you can send your manuscript for free. There are limited charges for the online management of the papers and the online management limited charge is charged to each paper and this is to maintain the quality of the organization which is being effective from August 2023. We shall approach you as soon as we accept your paper about all details.

To be Updated soon



You can submit your paper to our  editor


For Membership  

Membership for this journal is not active for now. we shall soon open this section





NOTE- Every accepted processed paper will be uploaded within 3 days and digital Certificates will be provided without any extra charges and once accepted paper in our journal can't be withdraw so we request you not to process your paper to any other journal unless our decision is not announced. This deeds may create problem to the author. If you wish to publish in other journal then we do not appreciate you to submit your paper to IJERGS

  ©2023 International Journal of Engineering research and General science